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Install SCALE#

Select your operating system and version below to see installation instructions.

First, add ROCM 6.3.1's package repositories, as per AMD's instructions. Then, add our repository and install from it.

# Add the scale deb repos.
sudo apt install ./scale-repos.deb

# Install SCALE
sudo apt update && sudo apt install scale-free

# Add your user to the `video` group:
sudo usermod -a -G video $(whoami)

If you did not already have the amdgpu-dkms kernel driver installed prior to installing SCALE, you should now reboot.

First, add ROCM 6.3.1's package repositories, as per AMD's instructions. Then, add our repository and install from it.

# Add the scale deb repos.
sudo apt install ./scale-repos.deb

# Install SCALE
sudo apt update && sudo apt install scale-free

# Add your user to the `video` group:
sudo usermod -a -G video $(whoami)

If you did not already have the amdgpu-dkms kernel driver installed prior to installing SCALE, you should now reboot.

Download and extract the SCALE tarball:

# Download the tarball

# Extract it to the current directory
tar xf scale-free-1.2.0-amd64.tar.xz

The tarball is significantly larger than other options since it includes many dependent libraries directly instead of asking the system package manager to install them.