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API Extensions#

SCALE has some runtime/library features not found in NVIDIA's CUDA Toolkit.

Environment variables#

Some extra features can be enabled by environment variables.


Setting SCALE_EXCEPTIONS=1 will cause all CUDA APIs to throw exceptions instead of returning C-style error codes. The exceptions contain descriptive error messages that make it clear what the problem is. For example: instead of simply returning cudaErrorInvalidArgument, you might get an exception thrown containing the message "The second argument is not allowed to be nullptr".

In cases where CUDA APIs are expected to return a value other than cudaSuccess during normal operation (such as cudaStreamQuery(), an exception will not be thrown except if an exceptional case arises.

API Extensions#

Some of SCALE's API extensions require the scale.h header to be included.

Programmatic Exception Enablement#

SCALE exceptions (see documentation of SCALE_EXCEPTIONS environment variable above) may also be enabled/disabled programmatically using:

scale::Exception::enable(); // To enable.
scale::Exception::enable(false); // To disable.

Even when exceptions are disabled, you can access a scale::Exception object containing the descriptive error message from the most recent failure using scale::Exception::last():

cudaError_t e = cudaSomething();
if (e != cudaSuccess) {
    const scale::Exception &ex = scale::Exception::last();
    std::cerr << "CUDA error: " << ex.what() << '\n';

The error accessed by this API is the same one you'd get from using the CUDA API cudaGetLastError(), just more descriptive.