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Report a Bug#

SCALE is still in active development, so you may encounter bugs. If you run into problems, contact us by:

The remainder of this page provides information about how to make your report as helpful as possible.

"No such function: cudaSomethingSomething()"#

If your project fails to compile due to a missing CUDA Runtime or Driver API function, get in touch: this helps us prioritise work by fixing the holes that have the most demand first.

"No such function: cuBlas/cuFFt/cuSolverSomethingSomething()"#

If your project needs a missing "CUDA-X" API (cuBLAS, cuFFT, cuSOLVER and friends), this is most likely something you can fix yourself by submitting a patch to the open-source library wrapper project. So long as an equivalent function is available in a ROCm library, the wrapper code is trivial.

Compiler crash#

When the compiler crashes, it creates temporary files containing a reproducer for the compiler crash, like this:


Preprocessed source(s) and associated run script(s) are located at:
clang++: note: diagnostic msg: /tmp/a-02f191.cpp
clang++: note: diagnostic msg: /tmp/
clang++: note: diagnostic msg:


These files will contain the preprocessed version of the source file that broke the compiler, among other things. If you are able to share this with us, it will significantly increase the usefulness of the bug report.

If the source file contains sensitive/proprietary information, this could be destroyed by reducing the testcase using cvise. Alternatively, a bug report consisting of just the compiler output is still helpful - especially if it relates to PTX.

GPU Crash#

If your GPU code crashes with SCALE but not with NVIDIA's compiler, more useful information can be harvested by enabling some environment variables that dump extra information. If you are able, sharing the output obtained from reproducing the crash with one or both of these enabled can be helpful:

  • REDSCALE_CRASH_REPORT_DETAILED=1 will dump extra information from the GPU trap handler. This includes register state and some symbol names, so it is unlikely to contain any sensitive/proprietary information from your code.
  • REDSCALE_CRASH_DUMP=somefilename will write the crashing machine code to a file. This makes it easier to investigate the problem, but it means that you're sharing the compiled version of the crasing GPU kernel with us.

Something else#

It will be helpful if you provide the output of the following commands along with your report:

lspci | grep VGA

Running your program with the environment variable SCALE_EXCEPTIONS=1 set might give a more detailed error that would be helpful to us too.